What gives Premium DBRSW!
PL: Zdecydowanie myslisz, co daje premia, tzw. Pacc (Korzysci). - Zaczynamy premium daje mozliwosc skorzystania z goda, oraz otrzymasz 15% wiecej expa za zabicie moba i wejscie na wyspe premium.
ENG: You definitely think what the bonus, the so-called Pacc (Benefits). - We are starting premium gives you the opportunity to use goda, and you will get 15% more exp for killing a mob and entering a premium island.
PL: Zdecydowanie myslisz, co daje premia, tzw. Pacc (Korzysci). - Zaczynamy premium daje mozliwosc skorzystania z goda, oraz otrzymasz 15% wiecej expa za zabicie moba i wejscie na wyspe premium.
ENG: You definitely think what the bonus, the so-called Pacc (Benefits). - We are starting premium gives you the opportunity to use goda, and you will get 15% more exp for killing a mob and entering a premium island.
We have 2 options: Item Shop and NPC (Gold)
Pl: Musisz wyslania wiadomosci o tresci "ktora bedzie podana w zakladciel "Buy Premium Points" do serwisu homepay. Po minucie przychodzi sms od nich z kodem , aby dostac premium points to kod trzeba wpisac i zaakceptowac ten kod ktory od nich otrzymalismy ~~ .!HomePay Pozniej wchodzimy Do Gry I Celujemy sie zgodnie z rysunkiem do item shop!
ENG: You need to send a message about the content "which will be provided in the "Buy Premium Points" site to the homepay site. After a minute, a text message comes from them to get premium points, you must enter and accept the code that you received from them ~~ .HomePay Later, we enter the game and aim to the item shop according to the drawing!
~~ ~~ 10 Premium Points (Gold) ~~ ~~
PL: Serwer jest tak stworzony dla graczy, ktorzy nie maja pieniedzy lub nie chca wydawac a miec fajne itemki z sms shopa, jest taka mozliwosc zakupu premium points za 15,000 tysiecy golda u npc "Premium"~!
Kierujemy sie wskazowka na zdjeciu No to ~~Jazda~~
ENG: The server is designed for players who don t have money or don t want to spend but have nice items from sms shop, there is a possibility to buy premium points for 15,000 thousand gold at npc "Premium"~!
We follow the clue in the picture So ~~Go~~
Pl: Pisziemy Do NPC Hi Trade (Cieszymy Sie Premium Points).
ENG: We re writing to the NPC Hi trade (We are very happy with Premium Points).