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PROMOCJA! 100 zl przelewem - 500 Premium Points

Aktualizacja / Update (v4.0)
Massive Update Incoming!
Get ready for a game-changing experience with brand-new systems, improvements, and thrilling content! Here’s what’s waiting for you:

- New Upgrade & Enchanting System – enhance your gear, unlock powerful stats, and dominate the battlefield!
- Bonus Loot System – score extra rare items from every defeated enemy!
- Potion Fix for OTC Client – no more issues! Potions now work flawlessly.
- Reworked Quests – fresh challenges, exciting stories, and even better rewards!
- Crafting System – create unique items using rare materials and custom recipes.
- New Banking System – manage your gold and deposits with ease and efficiency!
- Custom Bars System – personalize your interface for the ultimate gameplay experience.
- Travel System – fast and convenient travel between locations.
- Bonus System – unlock powerful boosts tailored to your playstyle!
- Arena Reward Overhaul – better, more valuable prizes for your victories.
- Updated NPC Monsters – new challenges and improved loot from common creatures!
- Custom Dungeons – unique instances filled with traps, treasures, and epic bosses.
- Revamped Casino – new mechanics, bigger wins, and more excitement!
- Improved Shop – fresh offers, exclusive items, and better deals!
… and so much more!

This isn’t just an update – it’s a whole new era of gameplay!
Join now and experience the difference firsthand!


Take part in the draw on Facebook!
Like this POST and comment and get Premium Points!
Good Luck!

~~ DBRSW ~~ 23.02.2025 ~ 23.02.2025 ~ 23.02.2025 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Facebook Royale: The Evolution


| BONUS EVENT | ~ 02.11.2024 - 10.11.2024 ~ | BONUS EVENT | ~

~~ DBRSW ~~ 02.11.2024 ~ 02.11.2024 ~ 02.11.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v3.8)

Refreshing! DBRebirth Story: World Edition [S1] Season I Update (v3.8)

Discounts in the SMS SHOP:
When purchasing items in the SMS SHOP, discounts are now calculated based on the number of Premium Points:
- 100 Premium Points = 0.1% Discount
- 200 Premium Points = 0.2% Discount

Improved Scripts:
- Fixed all scripts in the ITEM SHOP and for various items.

New City Center Design:
- A refreshed look for the City Center has been introduced.

Script Updates:

Purchase Logs Added:
- Purchase logs are now available when buying items in the SMS SHOP or the SMS BOX (random items from the SMS SHOP).

New Command Added: (!INFO) now shows player statistics:
Information about: [282]
Day: [Thursday 13:36:38]
Name: My1tic
Status: You are a GOD
Level: 49020
Ki Level: 75
MaxHP: 2,241,563
MaxMana: 2,241,740
Bless: You are blessed!
Rider System Days: 27 days left
Premium Account: You have 482 days of premium left
Premium Points: You have 2,021 Premium Points! Use them wisely.

Login Information Added:
Celebrate your progress! You'll now see a total login count message:
Example: "Congratulations! You've logged in a total of 1,777 times."

HP and Mana Regeneration Stands:
New stands added to regenerate HP and Mana
The regeneration scales with your level for balanced gameplay.

Bonus Loot Added:
Bonus loot rewards are now available for even more exciting adventures!
Happy gaming!

~~ DBRSW ~~ 04.01.2025 ~ 04.01.2025 ~ 04.01.2025 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v3.6)

Update Snow
- nowe itemy crafting secret, fenix bakpack
- swiateczny event bedzie otwarty od 22-12-2024 do 25-12-2024
- otwarte nowe dougony
- zmniejszony attack speed
- wrzucona nowa mapa
- bedzie mozna odbierac od dnia 20-12-2024 do dnia 24-12-2024 randomowe itemy co sa schowane pod choinka w temple

~~ DBRSW ~~ 08.12.2024 ~ 08.12.2024 ~ 08.12.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v3.4)

Co zostalo Dodane!

- Bonus System
- Crafting
- Ukladanie Itemow Od 1 Do 100 (Gold, Senzu)
- Odliczanie Od 10 Do 1 Jak Uzywamy Teleport (Efekt Odliczania)
- Boost Do Sworda, Glove
- Dungeon System
- Poprawiony AutoLoot

~~ DBRSW ~~ 02.11.2024 ~ 02.11.2024 ~ 02.11.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v3.0)

- Naprawione kasyno
- Poprawiona mapa zoroke, savana
- Wyrzucony automatyczny resp boss do mobow takich jak "rocco i tsuful"
- Dodalsmy Stamina Chocolate do NPC Premium Points za 50k
Dodane nowe potiony na expa
(Green Experience Potion 0.8 - 4 min)
(Golden Experience Potion 1.0 - 8 min)
(Red Experience Potion 1.2 - 12 min)
(Dark Blue Experience Potion 1.4 - 16 min)

~~ DBRSW ~~ 01.10.2024 ~ 01.10.2024 ~ 01.10.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v2.5)

Dodano Attack Speed / Hard Bande Do Skillowania / Nowe Efekty / Wingsy

Added Attack Speed / Hard Bande Do Skillowania / Nowe Efekty / Wingsy

~~ DBRSW ~~ 20.05.2024 ~ 20.05.2024 ~ 20.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Aktualizacja / Update

- Nowe Outfits Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta , Buu - Ubb, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Son Goten, Chibi Trunks, Beerus
- Dodano Nowy System Aur

- New Outfits Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta , Buu - Ubb, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Son Goten, Chibi Trunks, Beerus
- New Aur System

~~ DBRSW ~~ 16.05.2024 ~ 16.05.2024 ~ 16.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
~ Promote ~ ~ Promote ~

- Skill Rate - 04.05.2024 - 54.05.2024
- Zmiana Profesji 40 PP - Oferta aktualna tylko dzis / Promote!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 04.05.24

- Skill Rate - 04.05.2024 - 05.05.2024
-Change of Profession 40 PP - Offer valid only today!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 04.05.24

~~ DBRSW ~~ 04.05.2024 ~ 04.05.2024 ~ 04.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Aktualizacja v2.2

PL: Aktualizacja v2.2
Poprawione Itemy
- (Legendary cap (Arm:10, attack speed +6).
Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1 soul - 2 minutes! )
(Fire ball / Lucid Power / Mystic Glove / Tapion Sword / Diamond Glove / Janemba Sword)
Chodzi o TIER 2,3,4. Zalezy to od broni, ktora daje nam predkosc attaku
- Trajny PVP / NO PVP
- Teleport Na Nova Zostal Naprawiony
- Wsypa M2

ENG: Update v2.2
Improved Items
- (Legendary cap (Arm:10, attack speed +6).
Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1 soul - 2 minutes! )
(Fire ball / Lucid Power / Mystic Glove / Tapion Sword / Diamond Glove / Janemba Sword)
It's about TIER 2,3,4 It depends on the weapon it gives us Attack Speed
- Trajny PVP / NO PVP
-Teleport On Nova Has Been Fixed
- Planet M2

~~ DBRSW ~~ 29.04.2024 ~ 29.04.2024 ~ 29.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Modified by the server Dragon Ball Rebirth Story - World Edition [S1]
Was Created In The Years 2012-2024.
Characters And Sketches CopyRight © - 1984 By Akira Toriyama All Rights Reserved.