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| BONUS EVENT | ~ 23.07.2024 - 31.07.2024 ~ | BONUS EVENT | ~

~~ DBRSW ~~ 22.07.2024 ~ 22.07.2024 ~ 22.07.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Aktualizacja / Update (v2.5)

Dodano Attack Speed / Hard Bande Do Skillowania / Nowe Efekty / Wingsy

Added Attack Speed / Hard Bande Do Skillowania / Nowe Efekty / Wingsy

~~ DBRSW ~~ 20.05.2024 ~ 20.05.2024 ~ 20.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Aktualizacja / Update

- Nowe Outfits Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta , Buu - Ubb, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Son Goten, Chibi Trunks, Beerus
- Dodano Nowy System Aur

- New Outfits Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta , Buu - Ubb, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Son Goten, Chibi Trunks, Beerus
- New Aur System

~~ DBRSW ~~ 16.05.2024 ~ 16.05.2024 ~ 16.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
~ Promote ~ ~ Promote ~

- Skill Rate - 04.05.2024 - 54.05.2024
- Zmiana Profesji 40 PP - Oferta aktualna tylko dzis / Promote!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 04.05.24

- Skill Rate - 04.05.2024 - 05.05.2024
-Change of Profession 40 PP - Offer valid only today!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 04.05.24

~~ DBRSW ~~ 04.05.2024 ~ 04.05.2024 ~ 04.05.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Aktualizacja v2.2

PL: Aktualizacja v2.2
Poprawione Itemy
- (Legendary cap (Arm:10, attack speed +6).
Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1 soul - 2 minutes! )
(Fire ball / Lucid Power / Mystic Glove / Tapion Sword / Diamond Glove / Janemba Sword)
Chodzi o TIER 2,3,4. Zalezy to od broni, ktora daje nam predkosc attaku
- Trajny PVP / NO PVP
- Teleport Na Nova Zostal Naprawiony
- Wsypa M2

ENG: Update v2.2
Improved Items
- (Legendary cap (Arm:10, attack speed +6).
Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1 soul - 2 minutes! )
(Fire ball / Lucid Power / Mystic Glove / Tapion Sword / Diamond Glove / Janemba Sword)
It's about TIER 2,3,4 It depends on the weapon it gives us Attack Speed
- Trajny PVP / NO PVP
-Teleport On Nova Has Been Fixed
- Planet M2

~~ DBRSW ~~ 29.04.2024 ~ 29.04.2024 ~ 29.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Przerwa Techniczna

Serwer zostanie wlaczony o godzinie od 16:20 do 18:00 / 29.04.2024
The server will be turned on from 16:20 to 18:00 / 29.04.2024

~~ DBRSW ~~ 01.04.2024 ~ 01.04.2024 ~ 01.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

- Skill Rate - 23.04.2024 - 24.04.2024
- Zmiana Profesji 40 PP - Oferta aktualna tylko dzis / Promote!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 24.04.24

- Skill Rate - 23.04.2024 - 24.04.2024
Change of Profession 40 PP - Offer valid only today!
- 2x Premium Points - 12:00 - 21:00 / 24.04.24

~~ DBRSW ~~ 23.04.2024 ~ 23.04.2024 ~ 23.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
Mini Update


- Poprawione Spelle
(Genki Dama zabiera teraz 30 soula , Hakai 20 soula , Rildo Bash 15 soula , Magic Wall SMK 15 soula , Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 10 soula , Mafuba 10 soula , Buu Ghost Kamikaze Attack 5 soula)

- Dodano Nowy Set (Soul Set)
- Poprawiony Legendary Cap (Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1soul - 15 seconds!)
- Zostal Zmieniony Lot Z Bossow (Mystic Freeza / Old Namekjin)

- Improved Spelle
(Genki Dama now takes 30 soul, Hakai 20 soul, Rildo Bash 15 soul, Magic Wall SMK 15 soul, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 10 soul, Mafuba 10 soul, Buu Ghost Kamikaze Attack 5 soul)

- Added New Set (Soul Set)
- Improved Legendary Cap (Regeneration 150hp and 200ki and 1soul - 15 seconds!)
-Boss Flight has been changed (Mystic Freeza / Old Namekjin)

~~ DBRSW ~~ 21.04.2024 ~ 21.04.2024 ~ 21.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~

Zapraszamy do konkursu DBRSW.EU - 10.04.2024 o godz 20:00!
Zdobadz za darmo nawet 30 PP! Za kazdy wykonany podpunkt otrzymasz 10 PP.
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~~ DBRSW ~~ 09.04.2024 ~ 09.04.2024 ~ 09.04.2024 ~~ DBRSW ~~
The server Dragon Ball Rebirth Story - World Edition [S1]
Was Created In The Years 2012-2024 All Rights Reserved.
Characters And Sketches CopyRight © - 1984 By Akira Toriyama All Rights Reserved.